UWL September 2022 starters

Beth Cox

New member
Just starting a thread in case any other parents (like me) have looked at the Uni of West London page and thought nothing seems to be here...

My daughter had her place at UWL confirmed today. BA Acting. She'll be moving to Chapter Ealing in a few weeks time!

Introduce yourselves... be great to meet some other UWL parents.

That sounds interesting! Has he had any emails from the uni yet? Keep getting my daughter to check every day.
My son rung up about accommodation today as we hadn't heard anything. They said they'll get an email tomorrow or the day after. I'm not sure when he needs to be there yet!

Beth Cox

New member
Oh I'm glad you said that. I kept thinking we've missed something. Daughter had the enrollment email but then nothing else. It said something about an email from IT services to set up her online account but that hasn't come yet.
Hopefully accomodation email will arrive in next couple of days...
Yes, my son couldn't work out how to set up his online account but rang up and they helped sort it all out. You then get access to the UWL portal /email etc.